
The Welkin Suite Blog

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Top 5 problems Welkin’s Customizable Path can solve making your users feel happier

The Welkin Suite
Release 11 May 2021 12564

We could describe all the great features of Welkin’s Customizable Path and let you figure out how to improve your Salesforce org with its help on your own. But instead, we would like to share our top 5 examples demonstrating how Welkin’s Customizable Path can help you get a better Salesforce organization without any code and with minimal effort!

Welkin's Customizable Path on AppExchange

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What tools do Salesforce developers use to write code?

The Welkin Suite
26 Jan 2021 7274

What developer tools are popular among Salesforce Developers?

How to make software development on the Salesforce platform developer-friendly?

While building applications, software engineers use different tools to write and debug code. When we started Salesforce development back in 2013, we couldn’t find a tool that would ideally meet our needs. This led us to build our own one based on Visual Studio - well-known, very popular, and built with an idea of a comfortable development tool in mind, multifunctional IDE. As a result, we received a brand new tool for Salesforce development and administration. We can rightfully call it a success as today it is popular and in demand both in the corporate world and in the freelance consultants’ environment. 

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The Welkin Suite and Flosum integration is available in new IDE versions for Windows and Mac

The Welkin Suite
Release 04 Aug 2020 6643

Today we are happy to introduce the integration of The Welkin Suite IDE and a Salesforce-specific release management service Flosum. Read more to see how you can work with your Flosum Continuous Integration pipeline directly from the IDE.

Flosum integration is available in The Welkin Suite IDE for Mac and Windows!

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The Welkin Suite and Flosum integration - continuous integration right in the IDE

Meet the updated Welkin's Data Table for Flows component!

The Welkin Suite
Release 25 Jun 2020 6497

It's just 2.5 months since we've released Welkin's Data Table for Flows component for free on AppExchange, and we've heard a lot of warm feedback. Among that feedback, we've received a couple of important suggestions, and we felt that we need to share them with you asap - in the new version of the component! Check out what's new.

Meet the updated Welkin's Data Table for Flows component!

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Meet an updated Welkin's Data Table for Flows component!
Welkin's Data Table for Flows configuration
Forcing users to select minimal number of records in Welkin's Data Table for Flows
Clickable names in the Data Table for Flows

Top 5 productivity hacks for Salesforce Awesome Admins

The Welkin Suite
Salesforce Tutorials 04 Jun 2020 6725

Let’s talk today about being an #AwesomeAdmin, but not a regular one - productive and happy #AwesomeAdmin! We will share a handful of tips and tricks on how to transform inefficient and slow routines into something that you’ll complete in seconds to free up yourself for exciting Salesforce challenges. Find out what these tricks are in this post and in our webinars.

Top 5 Productivity Hacks for Awesome Admins

The major reason for the reduced productivity…

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Top 5 Productivity Hacks for Awesome Admins

Welkin's Data Table for Flows component is on AppExchange for free

The Welkin Suite
Release 14 Apr 2020 10508

Salesforce Lightning Flow is one of the best tools to build rich and customized user interfaces with minimal effort and zero code. And a table is the best way of representing a list of records for a user in an intuitive interface.
Wondering why there's no built-in data table component for flows? We too are wondering! Or, I would say, were wondering :)

Welkins Data Table for Flows component 

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Free Welkin's Customizable Tooltip Lightning Component on AppExchange

The Welkin Suite
Release 08 Oct 2019 9252

Today is the big day for The Welkin Suite team - we have finally published our first component on the AppExchange - the free and highly customizable Tooltip component for lightning. Read more to get to know about this component, how it can save you time, help your users, and what next to expect from us!

Free Welkin's Customizable Tooltip with links and formatting

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The Welkin Suite's components and applications are available on AppExchange
Welkin's Customizable Tooltip - Sample Lightning Markup
Welkin's Customizable Tooltip - Usage sample

The Welkin Suite now does Salesforce consulting and development!

The Welkin Suite
02 Sep 2019 5192

Maybe you have already noticed that The Welkin Suite really enjoys cutting trail and getting to new places before anyone else. Looking back on the trails we blazed, the Welkin suite was the first IDE to spearhead the effort to have a retrospective debugger, and we are proud that this pushed the other players to incorporate this technology to make life easier for Developers. The Welkin Suite was also the first IDE to look at how Salesforce Administrators really didn’t have any powerful tools, and because of that, they had to waist a lot of time to work on really quite simple, but yet time-consuming operations like managing permission sets. And because of that, we were the first to start to deliver a fully functional integrated workplace for Salesforce Admins, and thousands of people are using it right now to save boatloads of time.

The Welkin Suite Consulting - Salesforce Silver Partner

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The Welkin Suite Consulting - your Salesforce development and implementation partner

Multi-project for Mac, and other updates for both Bloom R32 and Blaze R25

The Welkin Suite
Release 21 Aug 2019 7379

It is excellent to work with people from all around the world - there are always some countries where it is a "common holiday time" at any given day. So we can still think about someone who enjoys their well-deserved vacation while working on a new release of the IDE smile

But, enough lyrics - today we are releasing both Windows and Mac versions of The Welkin Suite, and we're finally bringing multi-project support for Mac! Other than that we've included a bunch of other updates and fixes that you've requested.

Meet multi-project support in Blaze R25 on Mac, and some other improvements and fixes in both Windows and Mac versions of the IDE

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Meet multi-project support in Blaze R25 on Mac, and some other improvements and fixes in both Windows and Mac versions of the IDE
Test Results in The Welkin Suite shows information about unit tests in multiple organizations at the same time
Adding multiple projects to your The Welkin Suite solution
Switching between multiple projects in the Admin Panel

Bloom R31 and Blaze R24 updates of the IDE with fixes and improvements

The Welkin Suite
Release 24 Jul 2019 5515

Our team frequently gets "homework assignments" from the community - either by suggesting features and improvements or by lettings us know about bugs or "strange behavior" in certain cases. Today we'd like to provide you with our latest homework - The Welkin Suite Bloom R31 and Blaze R24 with a bunch of fixes and improvements that you've recently reported to us. Read more and assess our homework smile

New release of The Welkin Suite IDE Bloom R31 and Blaze R24 with a set of fixes and improvements

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New release of The Welkin Suite IDE Bloom R31 and Blaze R24 with a set of fixes and improvements
An ability to import data from JSON plans for SalesforceDX projects
Updated Salesforce project creation status screen on The Welkin Suite IDE Bloom R31
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