The SOQL editor (on Windows) it a bit lacking, and the following features are really expected to be present in database related development tools in 2020:
- Basic field, and object completion, including fields in related objects, but also on keywords. There is a reason why Ctrl-Space was invented :-D
Take a look at any SQL tools like DataGrip (JetBrains) and MSSQL Management Studio - those tools have this. - (Re)formatting according to organizational internal standards. This meas that some companies have standardized to have keywords in lower case (select ... from vs SELECT ... FROM), commas in fieldslist should either come before or after the field name, type indentation, etc, etc. See DataGrip from Jetbrains.
- Comments. I have read your reply on a previous feature request, but that answer does not float on water anymore as it is possible to Execute Higlighted part of a query. It has really nothing todo with inveting your own version of SOQL. If a line starts with --, just skip it before passing the results over to the Salesforce API. For all pratcital purposes, you do the same with the Execute Highlighted functinality today.
- Better error messages. Don't simply rely on what's returned from the Salesforce APIs. My favorite example is
Error 99 MALFORMED_QUERY: only aggregate expressions use field aliasing.
Where the culprit was a missing comma in the field list. SOQL is a well defined small language, and thus it's really easy to syntax check before handing it off to the SF APIs. - Keyboard shortcuts to Execute (and Execute Highlighted).
- It has been mentioned before, and this bugs me to a never ending high degree: keep the WHERE clause when choosing fields in an existing query.
- Default fields when starting a SOQL query on a object. Now we get "Id" wether we want it or not. Let us choose, or at least include Name alongside Id.
- Selecting fields from one object, then selecting fields from another object will clear the selected fields from the first object. Please don't do that. All fields and objects into the query and let people deal with this. Better, if selected objects has any relationships defined - do the right thing and automatically use the DOT notation on the selected field.
- No limitation on number of exported rows (to CSV file). This limitation is just silly in 2020. If a user does a query that returns 185487 rows, pressing the Exprot to CSV button should save 185487, not only 2000 rows.
Thanks for your time.
PS: the formatting of a message (this mesage) does not show the formatting when saved...