Sometimes the project seems to get out of sync and requests me to pull pending server changes all the time.
There are NO pending server changes.
When the project gets glitched like that, it doesn't allow me to just save, it will ALWAYS say that there are pending server changes.
This error happens even after I had just finished clicking "Pull from Salesforce" and then clicking "Resolve" to make it accept the changes I had done locally.
If I edit the local file some more and then click "Build Selection", it will prompt me again to pull pending server changes when there are no server changes at all.
I just want it to save and overwrite what is in the server.
I don't know what causes the project to become glitched, but when it is in that state, these are the steps to demonstrate the problem:
1) Save a Visualforce page and attempt to "Build Selection" to commit changes to the server
2) It will display the error "File has pending server changes. Please pull first."
3) On the Solution Explorer, right click the VF page and select "Pull from Salesforce"
4) click "Resolve" to start the merge tool - select the changes you did and click save, then exit
5) finish the dialogs - the local file should be sync'd with the server
6) edit something on the file and attempt step #1 again - it will fail again with the "File has pending server changes. Please pull first."
This glitched state persists even if I close The Welkin Suite and reopen it.