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[Fixed] File has pending server changes. Please pull first.

File has pending server changes. Please pull first.

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windows version welkinsuite


    Posted 16 Mar 2017


    Sometimes the project seems to get out of sync and requests me to pull pending server changes all the time.
    There are NO pending server changes.

    When the project gets glitched like that, it doesn't allow me to just save, it will ALWAYS say that there are pending server changes.

    This error happens even after I had just finished clicking "Pull from Salesforce" and then clicking "Resolve" to make it accept the changes I had done locally.

    If I edit the local file some more and then click "Build Selection", it will prompt me again to pull pending server changes when there are no server changes at all.
    I just want it to save and overwrite what is in the server.

    I don't know what causes the project to become glitched, but when it is in that state, these are the steps to demonstrate the problem:

    1) Save a Visualforce page and attempt to "Build Selection" to commit changes to the server

    2) It will display the error "File has pending server changes. Please pull first."

    3) On the Solution Explorer, right click the VF page and select "Pull from Salesforce"

    4) click "Resolve" to start the merge tool - select the changes you did and click save, then exit

    5) finish the dialogs - the local file should be sync'd with the server

    6) edit something on the file and attempt step #1 again - it will fail again with the "File has pending server changes. Please pull first."

    This glitched state persists even if I close The Welkin Suite and reopen it.



    Attached Files

    9 replies to this topic



      Posted 16 Mar 2017

      It seems that a timestamp on the file (or on the server) is not being set properly and when I click "Build Selection", it looks at the filestamp on the file and wrongly concludes the file is older than what is on the server.



        Posted 16 Mar 2017

        One thing that may be triggering the glitch is when I edit another page or file within the same project.



          Posted 16 Mar 2017

          Here is what I think is the scenario in which the problem can be reproduced:

          1) create a VF component, save

          2) create a VF page, save

          3) use the VF component in the VF page, save

          4) at this point, both VF component and VF page are open in TWS

          5) edit the VF component, save

          6) edit the VF page, save <--- at this point TWS will say "File has pending server changes"

          It shouldn't say "File has pending server changes" since no one else edited the VF page, only me - I only edited the VF component and the VF page should still be saved with no problems.

          If this is a Salesforce issue that somehow changes the timestamp of the VF page just because it uses the VF component I updated, I can see 2 ways of fixing this:

          1) TWS should have an option that would allow me to force overwrite the VF page.

          2) TWS should not just look at the timestamp but also look at the user who did the change - if it is the same user, just let save the local copy of the VF page to the server. If it is another user, then it is ok to report "pending changes" and prompt to resolve the differences.

          That would be preferrable instead of having me go through the lengthy and unecessary process of pulling the file again, resolving differences and then closing all those dialogs.



            Posted 16 Mar 2017

            Hi Fernando,

            Thank you for your report and for the great investigation from your side. 

            This is known issue to us and we are looking for the correct solution for it.

            The reason for the current behavior is related to the Last Modification Date value of the files - timestamps as you mentioned. 

            When you update a VF component or VF page on the server directly from The Welkin Suite IDE, dependent files would be built also. During the build, the 'Last Modification Date On Remote' is updated for all the built files on Salesforce, however, this value stays the same for the dependent files in the related to your TWS project '*.sfproj' file. As a result, pull from Salesforce is required.

            In a frame of the pull process, TWS compares the files. The dependent files are the same, so no changes are saved and the 'Last Modification Date On Remote' stays the same in the '*.sfproj' file.

            While we are looking how to solve this issue properly, you can use the next workaround:

                 1. please open the 'Project Metadata Components' wizard;

                 2. please disable the checkboxes for the files which cause the issue and click 'Apply'- these files would be removed from your TWs project;

                 3. open the 'Project Metadata Components' wizard again and enable the checkboxes for the same files;

                 4. please pull from Salesforce.

            After this, the files will be added to your project with an actual timestamp.

            Please let me know if these steps help to solve the issue you are faced with.

            Anyway, we will work on this to avoid the additional steps when the issue is reproduced.

            Thank you,


            Kate Dulko
            Customer Relations

            The Welkin Suite

            twitter: @KateDulko
            skype id: d_katerina





              Posted 16 Mar 2017

              Hi Kate,

              Thank you for the update!

              Unfortunately, the steps didn't solve the issue. After following the steps, the problem comes back when I edit the component, save it and then edit the VF page that uses that component.



                Posted 17 Mar 2017

                Hi Fernando,

                Thank you for your response.

                May I please ask you to tell us which files are present in the message about the build process in the Output when you send files to the server? I mean the list of files which the IDE sends to the server.

                We will investigate which dependent files can cause this issue also.

                In addition, I kindly ask to send us a bug report with the attached log files directly from the IDE.

                Currently, to continue your working process you can re-create the TWS project if this acceptable for you.

                Thank you for your collaboration.



                Kate Dulko
                Customer Relations

                The Welkin Suite

                twitter: @KateDulko
                skype id: d_katerina





                  Posted 29 Mar 2017

                  Hi Fernando,

                  I'm writing to update you with the results of our investigation on this topic.
                  Looks like our developers have found the reason for the issue when pull from Salesforce is required each time after editing and building your files.

                  When you edit a VF page, the IDE detects dependent files and sends them to update on Salesforce Organization also. At the same time, when you edit a component file, TWS doesn't update a Visualforce page which uses this component, however, Salesforce refreshes its Last Modification date value and its content if this is necessary. As a result, the last modification date value is different for the page in TWS and on Salesforce, and pull is required when you are going to build this file the next time.

                  We will include dependent VF page after editing a component file to the build process and this will solve the issue.
                  This will be implemented in the nearest version of The Welkin Suite Spire.



                  Kate Dulko
                  Customer Relations

                  The Welkin Suite

                  twitter: @KateDulko
                  skype id: d_katerina





                    Posted 31 Mar 2017

                    That is great!
                    Thank you, Kate!



                      Posted 19 Apr 2017

                      Hi Fernando,

                      We just release the Spire R13 version of The Welkin Suite IDE.

                      This version includes the fix for the issue when the pull from Salesforce is required after building.

                      Please let me know if the issue would be reproduced for you on the updated version of the IDE.

                      Looking forward to your feedback.

                      Best Regards,


                      Kate Dulko
                      Customer Relations

                      The Welkin Suite

                      twitter: @KateDulko
                      skype id: d_katerina



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