The blue line that comes up when you launch the application keeps going back and forth and will not load license info so I can login
Screen won't load license info so I can login (Mac)
Posted 13 Nov 2017 and edited 17 Feb 2018
Posted 14 Nov 2017
For further info, I have tried the troubleshooting techniques described in earlier posts and I cannot find a folder to delete any .bin files, even after opening the Open Directory Logs
Posted 14 Nov 2017
Also, even after going to /Library/User/YOUR USER/Welkin Suite, all I am presented with is the application. No folder or contents with it.
Posted 14 Nov 2017
Thank you for contacting us with this information.
I kindly ask you to send us all your TWS log files from the Logs directory - you can attach an archive with these files here.
Also, can you please check if the issue would be reproduced on another machine - this will help us to understand what caused the issue: some TWS issue or some settings on your computer. Also, one of the possible reasons can be network settings.
One more question - can you please open your Terminal and specify the next command: cd ~/Library/TheWelkinSuite/, click Enter, and one more command: ls.
Please let us know about the results - if you see the 'tws.wallt.bin' file in the list of results.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you,
Kate Dulko
Customer Relations
The Welkin Suite
twitter: @KateDulko
skype id: d_katerina
Posted 14 Nov 2017
Hi Cameron,
Thank you for your response.
I kindly ask you to attach the files from the 'Log Directory' or send them to the so that we could analyze them and get any additional information about the ongoing processes in the IDE.
Also, can you please tell me if you had an ability to enter your TWS credentials when launching the IDE or the loading process starts at once?
One more question: can you please re-install the application and check if the issue would be reproduced? If the 'tws.wallet.bin' file would appear?
All this information will help us greatly to find a reason for the issue and solve it as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Kate Dulko
Customer Relations
The Welkin Suite
twitter: @KateDulko
skype id: d_katerina
Posted 14 Nov 2017
I was never prompted the ability to log in. I was always met with the same issue of the loading license info screen before I had a chance to enter credentials. :(
I am attaching the logs below.
Attached Files
Posted 14 Nov 2017
I have downloaded the application 3 different times now and I am still unable to find the tws.wallet.bin file
Attached Files
Posted 14 Nov 2017
Hi Cameron,
Thank you for your response.
Looks like the error is not related to The Welkin Suite application, and the issue is caused by security settings like access privileges on your machine.
I kindly ask you to check the privileges settings for the folder that is required for creating a necessary file. For this, please use the next command in the Terminal:
ls -ld ~/.config/.mono/
The expected result should be the next: drwxr-xr-x 4 CamXC staff 136 {date} /Users/CamXC/.config/.mono/ - this means that there is the access to read, write, and execute.
If you get any other results, this means that there are no rights to write into the folder on your drive. Please launch the next command in the Terminal that will set the required privileges for the folder:
chmod 755 ~/.config/.mono/
Also, you can insert the sudo before this command to launch it with privileges of your super-user. In this case, the system will ask you to enter your password.
After this, please check if the issue would be reproduced.
In addition, you can launch The Welkin Suite IDE using the terminal:
sudo open ~/Applications/The\ Welkin\
Please let me know if this helps.
Thank you,
Kate Dulko
Customer Relations
The Welkin Suite
twitter: @KateDulko
skype id: d_katerina
- 1
Posted 14 Nov 2017
Hi Cameron,
Thank you for your response.
In this case, we can see that there are no required access privileges for the 'config' folder.
You can check this using the same command:
sudo ls -ld ~/.config/
If you won't get the 'drwxr-xr-x 4 CamXC staff 136 {date} /Users/CamXC/.config/' as a result, please run the command to open the access:
sudo chmod 755 ~/.config/
After this, please launch the IDE and check if you can log in.
If the issue would be reproduced again, I kindly ask you to check if the 'mono' folder would be created, and please send your new TWS logs. You can send log using the option in the menu Help -> Report a Bug, please enable the 'Attach Log File' checkbox and put your email. This way we will receive your TWS logs for the current day.
Previously I asked you to send all the log so that we could get all of them and not from a one day only.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you,
Kate Dulko
Customer Relations
The Welkin Suite
twitter: @KateDulko
skype id: d_katerina
Posted 14 Nov 2017
Hi Kate,
This is the output I received back after inputting the commands into Terminal.
Also, I am unable to select Bug Reports because I cannot login. I can only select "Open Log Directory," so those are the only logs I can send you at the moment.
Still no luck. Also attached is current log.
Posted 15 Nov 2017
Hi CamXC,
According to your screen, your Mac has an activated root account, and as you can see, your ~/.config/ for some reason belongs to the root account (shoud be CamXC). This can be a problem in your case. Try recursively changing the owner of the config folder:
sudo chown -R CamXC ~/.config/
Posted 15 Nov 2017
Okay, I executed that command and it appears to have worked. What now?
Posted 15 Nov 2017
Actually, all of this worked and I am now able to log in! Thank you guys for your help. I apologize that this was such a pain.
Posted 15 Nov 2017
Hi Cameron,
Thank you for your update!
I'm happy that now you have an access to The Welkin Suite IDE and can check all the abilities which the IDE provides you with.
I'll close the current topic as 'Solved'.
If you would have any questions, please contact us - we'll be happy to assist. You can write here, on the Forum, or on the
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
Kate Dulko
Customer Relations
The Welkin Suite
twitter: @KateDulko
skype id: d_katerina