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Local files are deleted when modifying Project Metadata Components

Local files are deleted when modifying Project Metadata Components

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windows version welkinsuite


    Posted 07 May 2019 and edited 17 May 2019

    In my projects I use the Project Metadata Components selector a lot to limit the files that are in my (non-DX) project. But when I'm happily coding away and create new classes and update others I sometimes modify Objects. When I then add an object to the project, TWS refreshes all files in the background. It deletes alle files that aren't in the components list and refreshes others that are. This destroys a lot of work every time this happens and is VERY upsetting for me as developer. 

    Is there some way to avoid this? Is it a bug? What can I do to safeguard against TWS killing my work (other then deploying and Git)? 

    1 replies to this topic



      Posted 17 May 2019

      Hi Marco,

      Thank you for contacting us with this situation.

      The behavior you've described is initially designed this way - any updates to the Project Metadata Components included in the project results in the IDE updating the sources folder to be in full sync with what you've selected in the wizard, thus removing "extra" files and "adding" missing when you pull from Salesforce.

      Right now we are considering an option that will allow using the Project Metadata Components wizard in situations such as yours - for limiting files in a project, while keeping sources folder without any changes. Or, maybe, we will come up with some additional option in the IDE to handle such case. I'm not able to provide an ETA for such update to get released, but we will do our best to handle this asap :)

      Thank you for sharing your experience and use-case with us.

      Best Regards,


      Vladimir Gubanovich
      Head of Product
      The Welkin Suite
      skype id: vladimir.gubanovich

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