
The Welkin Suite IDE 0.30.17 – Release Notes

The Welkin Suite
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07 Sep 2016 3220

The new 0.30.17 version of The Welkin Suite is now on air! This is the last Beta version of our IDE, and this time we focused on polishing of the existing functionality, solving the issues you were faced with, and, of course, we could not but add several new improvements and important changes in TWS processes.

TWS Last beta version is released

In this release blog post you will find the detailed information related to the further auto-update of the IDE, and to the latest changes introduced in TWS version 0.30.17.


Auto-update to the v. 1.0 of The Welkin Suite

This time, right after TWS is updated for you locally, along with the Change Log list, you will see the message about the further update of the IDE to the production version 1.0 of The Welkin Suite IDE.

At this point, you can choose whether you want to get the production version of TWS automatically after it is released, or you would like to stay with the current version without any changes. Please note that the free version will no longer be updated.

You can disable or enable the update to the v. 1.0 of TWS

You need to either enable the updates, or leave the checkbox disabled, and specify your email if you have decided to stay with the Beta version of our IDE. Of course, we would be grateful if you shared with us a reason for your decision. Your opinion is important to us, and it can influence our future work on the IDE.

If you leave the checkbox disabled, The Welkin Suite will be updated to the version 1.0 on September 25th. All the pricing details related to the production version of TWS are available in our post 'The Welkin Suite's Pricing Plans'. In addition, we will email you all of the details.

If you enable the checkbox, the automatic updates of the IDE will be stopped, and TWS 0.30.17 will stay on your computer.

What do you need to do if you have disabled/enabled the updates of the IDE, and later you change your mind and would like to get the production version of The Welkin Suite? You can change your decision related to the automatic updates of the IDE at any time. Please open Main Menu -> Help -> About The Welkin Suite. Here you can find the new link 'Auto-update settings'.

You change the auto-update settings of TWS anytime

You will get the same window with the ability to adjust the automatic settings for the updates. This means that after disabling the updates of the IDE, you can upgrade TWS to the latest version anytime.

One more way to get the newest version of The Welkin Suite IDE at any moment is to download it on TWS site.

As a side note, we will provide the support for the 0.30.17 Beta version of the IDE, however with a lower priority than subscribed users.


Improvements in the 0.30.17 version of TWS

The version 0.30.17 of The Welkin Suite IDE includes the improvement related to your work with the Schema Explorer. Now you can use the search filter inside the Schema Explorer for the list of your objects and their fields.

The search filter in the Schema Explorer for your object and their fields

The search text is applied to both objects and fields, and as a result, you will get the list that includes the items with the required text only. You can clear the search results using the 'X' button inside the search field.

In the newly released version of The Welkin Suite, you have a new ability to create a test class using the template provided by one of our users. This is available in the frame of a new file creation: please open the context menu of your project in the Solution Explorer, select Add -> New Item. In the 'Add New Item' wizard, you can find the Test Class template. You can create it in the same way you create a simple class. You can easily use this way for adding the new tests with the following basic content to your project:

You can create a new test class using the template

Our developers have improved the Build process inside The Welkin Suite IDE. Previously the built files were downloaded repeatedly to your TWS project after they were saved on Salesforce. This process causes the opened files in the Code Editor to reload, and the Salesforce formatting to be applied them. In the version 0.30.17 of TWS, this process is a little bit changed. The built file will be re-downloaded if the data from its *-meta.xml file was changed.


Fixes in the 0.30.17 version of TWS

In terms of improving the Build functionality we have mentioned before, our developers have solved the issues related to the failed build process. This applies to the issues when the pull process was required each time during the build, even if there is no difference between your local files that were building, and these files on Salesforce. In addition, there were cases when Salesforce didn't return all the necessary information to the IDE after the build. This also led to the failed build. The changed mechanism of the build process inside TWS helps solve this issue.

Our developers have done a great job solving the issues related to the expired OAuth credentials. Beginning from the version 0.30.17 of the IDE, once your OAuth credentials expire, you will get the appropriate message.

You can refresh your OAuth credentials after they are expired

Previously, our IDE didn't handle the expiration of your credentials correctly in some cases. This caused TWS processes to fail and errors to appear without the appropriate explanation. Now we have solved the incorrect behavior in these cases. The message, along with the ability to refresh your authentication will appear with any TWS operation that causes contact with Salesforce after the credentials have expired. If you click the 'Cancel' button on it, the message will appear during the next contact to the server.

In several of the previous versions of the IDE, the deployment process of your objects have caused the freezing of the IDE. The freeze took place for all the time of deploying. We have fixed this issue. Now you will see the progress of deployment process without freezing:

Progress of the deployment objects process

There were cases when the test results of your test-runs stopped to appear in the Test Result panel. As a side note, these test results appeared after The Welkin Suite IDE was restarted. The logic of updating of the test result list has changed in this version, and as a result, the issue related to this is solved.

Also, as of now, you have an ability to set Debug Log Levels directly from The Welkin Suite IDE. This option is available for you in the Logs panel. The 'Configure Debug Log Levels' button becomes active when you have selected the project inside the panel. After the newly released changes, this will be available for configuring the log levels when any file from your project is selected. In this case, the settings will be applied to the project that includes the file selected in the panel.

We have fixed the crash of TWS when you click the 'Ok' button in the 'Options' window when the Version Control tab is opened. This issue occurred when no project was opened in The Welkin Suite.

In addition, you could have seen the message 'Project creation failed.' in the status bar after each project creation even if the process was successful. This error appeared due to the exception that doesn't impact your working process with a newly created project. This issue is solved, and the correct status will appear after the creation of your project.

If you are using the Approval Processes metadata in your project, you were faced with the issue when these files were removed from your project and were downloaded repeatedly during each pull from Salesforce. The reason for this is related to the name structure of the Approval processes files. Now TWS will handle this correctly.

One more issue that is fixed in the latest version of The Welkin Suite IDE is related to the failed pull process. The pull process has failed with the error: 'Unable to process file '*'. This file is not located under the working directory of the repository'. The reason for this issue is related to the inability to update the local history of the pulled files. If the previous operation related to the local history was finished with an error, one of the files in the Local History directory was locked, which caused the error during the pull process from Salesforce.

Another change related to the pull process concerns handling the warning about changing LF and CRLF line endings of the pulled files. In this case, the pull was failed with the general error. Now this warning won't result in the failed pull from Salesforce.

The next solved issue is related to the error that appeared when opening a Salesforce log file in the IDE. The error was caused by the absence of this log file on the server. TWS showed the incorrect message for this case, and now there the appropriate message will be shown.

Also, the creation of Lightning members when the project structure sync option is enabled could have been failed. This issue could have appeared when Salesforce didn't return the ID for the 'TWS_Sync_Data' file to the IDE. Our developers have solved this issue.


As you can see, we have added a series of seemingly small updates, which nonetheless will make your work in our IDE more easy and more pleasant. We will now focus all of our attention on the development of the production version of The Welkin Suite IDE, which will be released on September 25th, and which feature large updates to our functionality. The beta of the Mac OS version will also be released by the end of the month, so September will be rich for us in events. And we sincerely hope you are as excited about the upcoming improvements as we are!


Full list of changes


  • Implemented an ability to disable auto-updating of the IDE before the release of 1.0 v. of The Welkin Suite
  • Added the search filter for objects and fields in the Schema Explorer
  • Added an ability to create a test class using a template
  • Improved build process


  • Fixed the issues related to the failed build process or that required pull process each time during the build
  • Fixed the freeze of the deployment process for the objects
  • Fixed the issue with the failed TWS operation due the expired OAuth credentials
  • Fixed the issue with the test results ceasing to appear in the Test Result panel
  • Fixed the issue with the Approval Processes being removed and downloaded repeatedly during each pull process
  • Fixed the issue related to the disabled 'Configure Debug Log Levels' button when a file is selected in the Logs panel
  • Fixed the issue with a Salesforce log file failing to be opened
  • Fixed the issue related to the changed LF line endings to CRLF ones or vice versa during the pull process
  • Fixed the crash of TWS that occurred by clicking the 'OK' button on the Version Control tab in the Options when no project is opened
  • Fixed the issue related to the message 'Project creation failed.' in the status bar after the successful creation of a project
  • Fixed the issue related to the failed pull process when there is no ability to update the local history
  • Fixed the issue related to the error during a Lightning member creation when the synchronization functionality is enabled
The Welkin Suite
Developer friendly Salesforce IDE
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