
Road to TWS Production

The Welkin Suite
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09 Sep 2016 5626

This month has been marked in our calendars as the month of the fundamental releases of The Welkin Suite IDE. In a few weeks, The Welkin Suite IDE will meet a series of changes, namely the transition to the paid version, which may be a bit confusing for some. That is why we would like to provide our users with as much information as possible, to make sure all of you keep up with the updates that are soon to come.

The Welkin Suite's changes in production version

On Wednesday, we gave a webinar 'Road to TWS Production', on which our host Vladimir Gubanovich introduced the upcoming changes, walked you through the steps needed to complete the transition process, and gave you a tour on the updates in the new and improved The Welkin Suite IDE. All of the significant dates were highlighted, and we have shared our vision of the future of The Welkin Suite IDE. We have received many well-reasoned questions, and we sincerely hope that our answers helped cast the light on the reasons behind the changes, and the nuances related to the transition process.

On the webinar, we have also introduced the pricing plans for the version 1.0 of The Welkin Suite IDE, and discussed the differences between the licenses, along with the benefits you will receive after purchasing either one of them.

For those of you, who have missed this webinar for some reason, we would like to provide the essential information that will help you keep using The Welkin Suite IDE in the future.

First off, we would like to point out that for the existing users, the transition process is not obligatory, and you can keep using the free beta version of The Welkin Suite IDE for as long as you would like. However, please note that the newly released version is the last free version of our tool, and no further updates to the beta version are planned. Still, we will keep providing the support services for the existing users, and all of your questions will be answered by our team.

We understand that some of you may want to postpone the transition to the paid version for your personal reasons. That is why we have already set the ground for your further free usage of The Welkin Suite IDE, and included necessary settings for you to keep the free version.

The newly released version of The Welkin Suite includes the settings for the auto-updating process to the v. 1.0 of our IDE. You can leave the automatic update of TWS enabled, or disable it if you would like to stay with the beta version.

When you launch the version of the IDE for the first time after updating, you will get the message about the upcoming upgrade of The Welkin Suite. This message is backed by the ability to enable or disable the auto-updates of TWS when the 1.0 version of the IDE is be released.

If you want to get the v. 1.0 of The Welkin Suite automatically when it is available, please just click ‘Apply’. You can add your email address and a reason for your decision. If you want to keep using the beta version of the IDE without any changes, and you don’t want to get the updated versions of TWS, please mark the checkbox ‘Disable updates’, and enter your email. We would greatly appreciate it if you told us the reason behind this decision. Your explanation can set the vector for our further work on the IDE.

We want to draw your attention to the fact that if you change your decision and would like to get the 1.0 version of TWS with all the new abilities in the future, you can easily change the auto-update settings at any moment. This option is available for you in the Main Menu -> Help -> About The Welkin Suite -> Auto-update settings. Here you will have an option to tune the necessary settings for The Welkin Suite's updates.

Another way to upgrade TWS to the latest version in the future is to download it from our site.

That being said, we sincerely hope that your usage of The Welkin Suite IDE will remain pleasant and productive, regardless of the version you choose.

In addition, if you would like to learn more about our paid version, below are the recording of the webinar, and the presentation with all the key facts about version 1.0 of The Welkin Suite IDE.

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