
Eyes Set on Dreamforce'17

The Welkin Suite
Posted by
08 Aug 2017 5991

The Welkin Suite is again excited to be joining the largest, and greatest Salesforce event of the year in San Francisco this year - Dreamforce'17!
Meet The Welkin Suite at Dreamforce'17

The Welkin Suite's team will be at Salesforce's flag ship event of the year, November 6th-9th, in San Francisco-- The home of Salesforce. This is for sure, is going to be "Ground Zero" for hundreds of thousands of top Salesforce Developers, Awesome Admins, and Top Business Minds, and definitely this event will be the launching pad of many great new ideas and solutions.

Again, we have an exciting session planned where the Salesforce Community can come see the "How" and "Why" The Welkin Suite IDE is gaining incredible speed in becoming the go to IDE in saving time for Salesforce Developers and Admins. Yes we know the question already, "an IDE for Admins?" You will definitely need to come by, and see what we have done here. This is going to change the way Development and Admin teams work together in Salesforce.

We also will be hosting a booth in the Developer Zone, where we will be more than happy to hear your stories, ideas, and challenges. Oh, and of course we will have some really cool new functionality to show to you. We look forward to discussing with you how you can be more profitable and successful in your Development and Admin roles. As it is, success is the name of the game.

You can find us at the Dev Zone at Moscone West: 

Find The Welkin Suite booth at Dreamforce here


One of the most awesome aspects of all Dreamforce events, is that the sparks of new ideas and learning do not die off at the end of the week, thanks to the Dreamforce Global Gatherings that will continue to take place all over the world.

Because of this on Thursday the 9th, some of our team is blocking out time for any leaders of local developer groups, or interested group members to stop by at our booth in the Developer Zone, and we can show and talk to you about how your group can get inspired by some great innovative ideas in development for example:

  • How to work faster by using more point and click development
  • How to improve quality of code by protecting against bugs, analyzing the performance of code, and keeping it clean
  • Better test running practices and debugging work flows
  • How to get the whole team on just one powerful development tool
  • How to work easier with the new SFDX projects

So we invite you to come and talk at our booth between the hours of 1pm-3pm on the 9th, see you there!

The Welkin Suite is coming to Dreamforce 17

See you soon at Dreamforce'17!!!


Meet The Welkin Suite at Dreamforce'17
The Welkin Suite is coming to Dreamforce 17
Find The Welkin Suite booth at Dreamforce here
The Welkin Suite
Developer friendly Salesforce IDE
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