
The news review of the week from The Welkin Suite

The Welkin Suite
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04 Mar 2016 3952

We have gathered a few thought-provoking pieces from the past week, and would like to share them with you.

The Welkin Suite's weekly news review


  1. A great review of The Welkin Suite from Shion Earl Abdillah, which highlights the strengths and points out the room for improvement in our IDE.
  2. The notes on The Welkin Suite's Retrospective Debugger release, with the detailed description of the main features, and an overview of the actions this tool helps you to perform.
  3. A cool and educational video from Salesforce on improving the development process, which teaches you about reusable development organizations, automated version control and much more.
  4. An article from Rustam Nurgudin, our CEO, who reflects on the problems caused by the governor limits in Salesforce and possible ways around them.
  5. A in-depth look into the problems with debugging and solving problems in the Production orgs from Vladimir Gubanovich, our Head of Product.
The Welkin Suite
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