We have gathered a few thought-provoking pieces from the past week, and would like to share them with you.
- A great review of The Welkin Suite from Shion Earl Abdillah, which highlights the strengths and points out the room for improvement in our IDE. http://www.hyrez.co.uk/an-alternative-ide-for-salesforce-the-welkin-suite/
- The notes on The Welkin Suite's Retrospective Debugger release, with the detailed description of the main features, and an overview of the actions this tool helps you to perform.https://welkinsuite.com/the-release-of-the-apex-retrospective-debugger-in-the-welkin-suite-0-27-5/
- A cool and educational video from Salesforce on improving the development process, which teaches you about reusable development organizations, automated version control and much more. https://youtu.be/NMwygVAE4kg
- An article from Rustam Nurgudin, our CEO, who reflects on the problems caused by the governor limits in Salesforce and possible ways around them.https://welkinsuite.com/salesforce-governor-limits-is-there-a-way-past-these-development-issues/
- A in-depth look into the problems with debugging and solving problems in the Production orgs from Vladimir Gubanovich, our Head of Product.https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/troubleshooting-live-issues-salesforce-org-apex-suite-gubanovich?trk=hb_ntf_MEGAPHONE_ARTICLE_POST

The Welkin Suite
Developer friendly Salesforce IDE
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