
Teaming up with Trailblazers at TrailheaDX '17!

The Welkin Suite
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20 Apr 2017 5396

The Welkin Suite team is getting our backpacks ready - as we are about to join the TrailheaDX ’17 adventure this summer!

For those who may have missed it, TrailheaDX is the conference for Salesforce developers and administrators, which introduces the latest Salesforce technologies and teaches to properly apply them in practice - which is essential to stay on top of your work and provide a great customer experience. Apart from that, TrailheaDX is a place to go for networking opportunities, exchange of ideas and stories with other developers - and of course, to have fun and take a picture with the Trailhead Bear (and not only him!) =)

The event will take place in San Francisco, on June 28-29. You can find The Welkin Suite team at our booth, where we will be giving demos of both Windows and Mac versions, answering questions and clarifying all the moments that are unclear for you in real time, gathering your ideas and suggestions, having deep and thoughtful conversations with whoever feels like having one - and sharing our fun and educational stories as creators of the IDE. Come over and talk to us, we would love to reconnect with our old friends from previous conferences - as well as meet new people!

Also, we will be giving out pleasant bonuses for those who stop by our booth.

So, see you at TrailheaDX, right?

trailheadx 2017
The Welkin Suite
Developer friendly Salesforce IDE
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